The Digital Gallery.
We celebrate contemporary photography, we are NFT craftsmen.
nft photo community projects - blockchain 2.0 - smart contracts - digitization - Generative AI - consulting
What people are saying - waking up in Utopia?
— The Curator Team
“iMBdigital.Gallery_ was created out of love for photography. We want to celebrate contemporary photography with the work and energy of this startup and retrospectively construct a timeline: connecting the dots.”
— Founder´s Voice
“At the same time in the same place in two worlds. This can be described without exaggeration as one of the greatest changes in humanity. We are in a transformation - we want to document this shift with iMBdigital.Gallery_.”
— Seed Investor
“A deep dive into the world of NFTs and blockchain technology suddenly opened up a whole new world. With a few clicks of the mouse, one could suddenly walk into virtual multi-dimensional galleries of real NFT collectors. The collectors are physical, as well as legal entities, renowned companies. From lifestyle to multinational companies.”

Follow us on our journey!
Also, curated digital photo projects are regularly turned into NFT and marketed on open digital commerce platforms.
Interested? Then follow us on Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Discord as well. Get updates on blog posts and minted photo collections via social media channels and join us on the documented journey into an unknown future.