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NFT Market 2023/24

The Trends

The #NFT #market is a #dynamic and evolving sector that has seen significant #growth and #innovation in recent years. According to various sources, the NFT market #outlook for 2024 is positive and promising, with some of the following trends and developments expected to occur:

Major companies affirm their commitment to NFTs

Several large corporations have announced or launched their own NFT strategies, such as #Amazon, #Salesforce, and #Starbucks. These companies aim to leverage the potential of NFTs for #digital #art, #fashion, #gaming, #loyalty programs, and more. Amazon is reported launching its own NFT #marketplace, which will allow customers to buy and sell NFTs with #credit or 3debit cards. Salesforce is integrating NFT loyalty programs into its #CRM #platform, enabling businesses to create and monitor NFT #tokens for their customers. Starbucks has already seen success with its NFT-based loyalty program, Starbucks Odyssey, which offers customers unique digital experiences and rewards.

Consumers look to rare and tangible NFTs for long-term #value

As the NFT market matures, #consumers are becoming more discerning and selective about the NFTs they purchase and collect. They are looking for NFTs that have #rarity, #scarcity, #provenance, and #utility, as well as a connection to the real world. For example, some NFTs are linked to physical products, such as #fashion items, #sneakers, or #art pieces, which can enhance their #value and #appeal. Some NFTs also offer access to exclusive #events, #experiences, or #communities, such as #concerts, #metaverse #parties, or #clubs.

NFT-based #gaming and #virtual #realestate flourish

One of the most popular and lucrative segments of the NFT market is gaming and virtual real estate. These sectors combine the elements of #entertainment, #socialization, and #monetization, creating #immersive and engaging digital worlds. Some of the leading platforms in this space are #AxieInfinity, #Decentraland, #TheSandbox, and #CryptoVoxels, which have millions of users and generate millions of dollars in #revenue. These platforms allow users to create, own, trade, and play with NFTs, such as digital land, buildings, avatars, items, and pets.

NFT market reaches new heights and expands #globally

The NFT market is projected to reach US$1,601.0 million in revenue in 2023, and US$3,162.0 million by 2027, with an annual growth rate of 18.55%. The number of users is expected to #increase from 13.95 million in 2023 to 19.31 million in 2027, with a user penetration of 0.18% in 2023 and 0.24% in 2027. The NFT market is also expected to #grow and #diversify in different regions and countries, such as #India, #Brazil, #Singapore, #UnitedStates, and #UnitedKingdom, which have high #potential and #demand for NFTs.

NFT #innovation and #experimentation continue

The NFT market is constantly evolving and innovating, as new #technologies, #platforms, and use cases emerge.

NFTs for #music, #film, and #sports

These sectors have already seen some examples of NFTs, such as Kings of Leon's NFT album, Beeple's NFT film, and NBA Top Shot's NFT collectibles. However, there is still room for more innovation and exploration, such as NFTs for #live #performances, #streaming, #royalties, #fan engagement, and more.

NFTs for #social #impact and #sustainability

Some NFT projects are aiming to create positive social and #environmental impact, such as NFTs for #charity, #education, #health, and #conservation. For example, #UNICEF has launched an NFT platform to support children's #rights, education, and innovation. Some NFT platforms are also adopting more #eco-friendly solutions, such as using #renewable #energy, #carbon offsets, or proof-of-stake #consensus mechanisms.

NFTs for #personal #identity and #expression

Some NFT projects are focusing on creating NFTs that reflect the personal identity and #expression of the #creators and #owners, such as NFTs for #digital #identity, #reputation, self- #sovereignty, and #community. For example, #BitClout is a social #network that allows users to create and trade NFTs based on their social #influence. Some NFT platforms are also #empowering underrepresented and marginalized groups, such as #women, #people of #color, and #LGBTQ+ communities, to create and showcase their NFTs.

These are some of the main #trends and developments that are expected to shape the NFT market in 2024. The NFT market is a dynamic and evolving sector that has seen significant growth and innovation in recent years. It is likely that the NFT market will continue to surprise and delight us with new and exciting possibilities in the #future.

The Marketplaces

The NFT market is a diverse and dynamic sector that has many platforms and marketplaces for trading NFTs. However, some of the most important and popular ones are:


OpenSea is one of the largest and oldest NFT marketplaces, having launched in 2017. It hosts a wide variety of NFTs, including #art, #music, #photography, #trading #cards, virtual #worlds, and more. It supports multiple #blockchains, such as #Ethereum, #Solana, #Polygon, #Avalanche, and #BNB. It also allows users to create and sell their own NFTs on the platform. OpenSea charges a 2.5% #fee for every transaction. Check-out #gasfeefree creation.


Binance is one of the biggest and most trusted #crypto #exchanges in the #world, and it also has its own NFT #platform. Binance NFT offers a range of drops and resales, featuring exclusive NFTs from #artists, #celebrities, #sports #stars, and more. It also supports NFTs from other platforms, such as #CryptoPunks, #BoredApeYachtClub, and #AxieInfinity. Binance NFT charges a 1% fee for creators and a 1% fee for buyers.


Magic Eden is an NFT platform built on Solana, a fast and low-cost #blockchain. It features a curated #selection of NFTs from various categories, such as art, gaming, metaverse, and collectibles. It also has a launchpad for new and upcoming NFT projects, as well as a community hub for NFT enthusiasts. Magic Eden charges a 2.5% fee for sellers and a 0.1% fee for buyers.


Nifty Gateway is a #luxury NFT platform that specializes in high-end and #exclusive NFTs. It hosts regular drops from #renowned artists, such as #Beeple, #Pak, and #SteveAoki. It also offers a secondary market for reselling NFTs. Nifty Gateway is one of the few NFT platforms that accepts #fiat #currency, such as U.S. #dollars, as well as crypto. Nifty Gateway charges a 5% fee for sellers and a 5% fee for buyers.

Axie Marketplace

Axie Marketplace is the official marketplace for Axie Infinity, a popular NFT-based #game that involves #collecting, #breeding, and battling cute creatures called Axies. Users can buy and sell Axies, as well as other in-game items, such as land, items, and tokens. Axie Marketplace uses its own #native #token, AXS, as well as Ethereum and #Ronin, a sidechain of Ethereum. Axie Marketplace charges a 4.25% fee for sellers.

These are some of the most important trading places for the NFT market, but there are many more to explore and discover. NFTs are a fascinating and innovative way to express and own digital #content, and the NFT market is constantly evolving and expanding.

The Importance of LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a #socialmedia platform that connects professionals and businesses across various industries and sectors. It can be a useful platform for the NFT market, as it can help NFT #creators, #collectors, #investors, and #enthusiasts to network, share, learn, and collaborate with each other. Some of the benefits of using LinkedIn for the NFT market are:

Building #credibility and #reputation

LinkedIn allows NFT creators to showcase their #portfolio, #skills, #achievements, and #testimonials on their #profile. This can help them to establish their credibility and reputation in the #NFTspace, as well as attract potential buyers and collaborators. #NFTcollectors and investors can also use LinkedIn to display their NFT holdings, preferences, and insights, as well as to connect with other NFT enthusiasts and experts.

Finding opportunities and resources

LinkedIn can help #NFTcreators, collectors, and investors to find opportunities and resources that can enhance their NFT journey. For example, they can use LinkedIn to discover and apply for NFT-related #jobs, grants, competitions, and events. They can also use LinkedIn to access and share NFT-related #news, #articles, #podcasts, #videos, and #courses, as well as to learn from the best practices and experiences of other NFT #professionals.

Growing and engaging with the #NFTcommunity

LinkedIn can help NFT creators, collectors, and investors to grow and engage with the NFT community, both #locally and #globally. They can use LinkedIn to join and participate in NFT-related #groups, #forums, and #clubs, where they can exchange #ideas, #opinions, #feedback, and support with other NFT enthusiasts. They can also use LinkedIn to follow and interact with NFT #influencers, #leaders, and #organizations, as well as to create and promote their own NFT content and projects.

Therefore, LinkedIn can be an important platform for the NFT market, as it can offer various #benefits for NFT creators, collectors, investors, and enthusiasts.

However, LinkedIn is not the only platform that can be used for the NFT market, as there are many other platforms and marketplaces that are dedicated to NFTs, such as OpenSea, Magic Eden, and Nifty Gateway. These platforms can provide more #specialized and #tailored #services and features for NFTs, such as creating, buying, selling, and trading NFTs, as well as hosting NFT drops and auctions. Therefore, NFT professionals may want to use a #combination of different platforms to optimize their NFT experience and results.