Behind the Viewfinder


Behind the Viewfinder #

Inca Invictus: Defenders of the Andes - A Cosmic Battle for Indigenous Wealth
NFT project, Bolivia Curator Team iMBdigital.Gallery_ NFT project, Bolivia Curator Team iMBdigital.Gallery_

Inca Invictus: Defenders of the Andes - A Cosmic Battle for Indigenous Wealth

Inca Invictus: Defenders of the Andes - A Cosmic Battle for Indigenous Wealth

Discover the captivating tale of Inca Invictus, a short story inspired by Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey" and authored by iMBdigital.Gallery_. Follow the cosmic defenders as they descend upon the Bolivian desert to protect the wealth of indigenous communities from post-modern conquerors and colonizers. Experience the epic battle, the triumph of ancestral knowledge, and the empowerment of marginalized groups. Explore the resilience and power of the Andean warriors in this compelling narrative.

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